About Me

Hello! I'm Anyawuike Ikenna Omedobi, an Environmental Engineer, dedicated Data Scientist, and proficient Machine Learning Operations Developer. My passion lies in seamlessly integrating data science, sustainability, and engineering to craft innovative solutions for real-world challenges. With a plethora of certifications, I offer a unique blend of expertise in data science, Geo-environmental studies, and machine learning. My journey is a commitment to leveraging technology and innovation to achieve meaningful outcomes. Proficient in Python programming, SQL, and machine learning, I provide valuable insights using tools like MS Excel, Dash-plotly, and Tableau to create interactive dashboards. Beyond the professional realm, I enjoy video gaming, sprinting, and basketball, adding a dynamic touch to my pursuits. Open to short and long-term roles, let's connect and explore how we can collaborate for success. Together, let's drive innovation and make a positive impact!



Manufacturer-wise CO2 Emissions Dashboard: Exploring Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions from Vehicles.

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Seattle Weather Insights: Analyzing Patterns and Forecasting Trends with Python.

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Water Quality Exploration: Analyzing and Classifying Data for Potability Assessment.

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Cardiovascular Disease Prediction.

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As a data analyst and data scientist, I transform data into valuable insights, aiming to improve results, facilitate informed decision-making, and optimize costs. My expertise lies in machine learning, employing supervised algorithms, and utilizing data visualization techniques to effectively communicate findings. Proficient in SQL, Python, Dash, and Tableau, I leverage these tools for successful execution of data projects.

Data Analytics

Enhance the utility of your data through predictive models and machine learning methodologies. This includes forecasting behaviors or effectively targeting the most suitable customers for optimized outcomes.


Dashboards dynamically display the latest results interactively. Dive into trends and patterns by simply clicking and drilling down, allowing you to explore the data firsthand.

Advice and coaching projects

I offer guidance on project progress and provide coaching to data analysts throughout various stages of data-related projects.